Hang Gliding in Connecticut


Hang Gliding in Connecticut


The company below is a business listing for hang gliding in Connecticut.


Tek Flight Products
Winsted, Connecticut


The following are popular launch areas for hang gliding in Connecticut.


Chauncy Peak
East Meriden, Connecticut
Meriden Mountain Southington, Connecticut
Sharon Mountain Sharon, Connecticut
Talcott Mountain Simsbury, Connecticut
West Rock Somewhere, Connecticut


Hang Gliding Company: Website: Location:
Tek Flight Products www.tekflight.com Colebrook Stage
Winsted, Connecticut 06098





Hang Gliding on Talcott Mountain in Connecticut



Hang Gliding Adventures tries to keep the information regarding hang gliding as current as possible. The information found on Hang Gliding Adventures is not guaranteed to be accurate as hang gliding companies move, change websites, locations, phone numbers, etc. Please use this website only as a guide to your hang gliding adventure and verify all information independently.